by Anna Swansun with Archangels and Spirit Guides

These channeled paintings serve a purpose to raise your frequency to the level of 5D. Through the Earth Star Chakra you begin a journey of Energetic Harmony, and when you become aligned fully through each energy center, you have the capacity to completely embody your Spirit at every given moment.

Each piece of art holds light codes and keys that are given to you when you are ready to receive them. Their purpose is to envelop you with love and Divine light to ignite the truth of who you are.

By using the spiritual law of reflection through geomancy or Feng Shui, you can create a harmonious environment around you that assists you to develop harmony within you.

The book series has additional energetic resources with inspirational poetry, channeled messages, and spiritual ascension tools that will jump-shift you into the New Earth.

Energetic Harmony Book One

Grounding the New Earth with Peace, Trust & Love

Your body is a temple. If you want love around you and beauty surrounding you, if you want peace on Earth and harmony in your relationships, then you must create it within you. It starts with you. Energetic Harmony is the journey of creating sacred space within. When you treat your body like a temple, your spirit can merge with you fully.

The Earth Star Chakra is the energetic center established pre-birth. If you were wanted by your parents, properly nurtured and loved while your mother was pregnant, and supported by a healthy community of harmonized relatives and ancestors, this center is automatically healthful and coherent.

The Root chakra turns on at the moment of your birth and is established throughout the first year to year-and-a-half of your life. If your birth was natural, you were lovingly welcomed, and you were well supported and had a constant healthy energetic connection with your mother within the first couple years of your life, your Root chakra naturally is steady, coherent, and well-established.

The above are the ideal scenarios, and when humanity is all 5th Dimensional, this is the experience that newly incarnated souls will have. But regardless of whether you had healthy development of your energetic centers as they were igniting, you can create harmony by energetically balancing them and spiritually understanding the Divine blueprint within them. You essentially become the parents for yourself. In doing this you live as an example for othersโ€”your spouse or significant other, your children, your relatives, your friends, your co-workers, clients, collaborators, and even the strangers you encounter. And because humans are all connected, the harmony you create within yourself affects the entire collective, because you matter, you are important, and there is a reason you are here. Be the light and love that you are.

This book harmonizes the Earth Star and Root chakras through channeled art, inspirational poetry, and spiritual resources that help you develop and integrate the connection to your own spirit as well as benevolent guides and angels who are there to assist you. Through it, you establish peace, love, trust, self-acceptance, and the stability that is inherent in these high-vibrational energies. If you fully utilize this book, it will help you elevate and maintain the Earth Star and Root chakras as 5th-dimensional or higher frequency energetic centers without several hours of daily meditation or weekly reiki sessions.

This is part one of the Energetic Harmony series. By experiencing them all, you will become the blueprint of your potential and permanently merge with your Spirit.

“Each and every one of you has a choice to become a co-creator of this. When peace and steadiness fill the hearts, minds, and entire beings of people, when enough of you do this, you will help to transform your dear Mother Earth.”

-Archangel Sandalphon from book Earth Star & Root: Grounding the New Earth with Peace, Trust & Love
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